Crossbow Man in Arcadia

An outer-planar, modular hex-crawl with a fabulous map and a provocative, exclusive miniature!

Trails of Arcadia Now on Kickstarter

Trials of Arcadia is the third module of the Circle of the Blood Moon adventure path for 5E and Pathfinder 1E. It is a 32-page adventure for levels 5-8 that you can run as a stand-alone or the next chapter of the campaign. It is also setting-agnostic, and you can easily insert it into any medieval fantasy world of your choosing – including Kingdom of Lothmar, our very own campaign setting.

With this Kickstarter campaign, you will be backing the production and publishing of the third module, Trials of Arcadia. Still, you will also be able to acquire the first two modules of the campaign at a preferred price through add-on products!

We are also bringing Kickstarter an exclusive miniature of one of the campaign’s antagonists, the celestial Naradul!

Click here to back us on Kickstarter!


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